Speakers from Oakland Community Health Network, the public community mental health center and public Medicaid specialty health plan for Oakland County, Michigan, share their experience of utilizing an outcomes-based payment model for behavioral health services. OCHN also shares lessons learned for community mental health centers in other states that are pursuing similar types of payment models.
Beth Waldman, J.D., M.P.H., senior consultant at Bailit Health and former Massachusetts Medicaid director presents the key priorities of Medicaid agencies and their MCOs. Drawing on her extensive experience working with Medicaid programs across the country, she shares strategies on how to best engage with state Medicaid agencies and their MCO partners. Participants gain an understanding of the key priorities of Medicaid agencies and their MCOs and learn how best to engage Medicaid programs and their MCOs.
Megan Haase, FNP, Chief Executive Officer of Mosaic Medical System, shares Mosaic’s experience of participating in multiple payment reform efforts. Mosaic Medical operates a network of Federally Qualified Health Centers throughout Central Oregon, and is a participant in the Central Oregon Coordinated Care Organization (CCO). Mosaic also shares lessons learned for health centers in other states that are pursuing APM-type base payment reforms. Participants hear about changes Mosaic has made as a result of participating in three-layered payment model for Medicaid patients, and its results for patient care.
Hear from Jaeson Fournier, Chief Executive Officer of CommUnityCare Health Center network in Texas, and former CEO of the Federally Qualified Health Center Urban Health Network (FUHN), a health center coalition-led ACO in the Twin Cities area. FUHN brought together a group of health centers in a Medicaid ACO, built a robust data analytics infrastructure with the aid of a health services data management firm, created valuable delivery system improvements, and generated millions of dollars in shared savings.
As the first and only health center-led Medicare Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) in California, and one of a growing number of provider-led safety-net ACOs nationwide, Redwood Community Care Organization (RCCO) is an example of an early foray into accountable care in the safety net.
This case study examines the participation of Northpoint Health and Wellness Center in the Hennepin Health ACO. Northpoint is a prominent example of a health center collaborating with key stakeholders to form a social ACO.
This case study examines the origins, structure, and performance of the Federally Qualified Health Center Urban Health Network (FUHN), a health center coalition-led ACO in the Twin Cities area.
This case study examines how the Community Health Network of Washington (CHNW), an alliance of 19 health centers across Washington State, formed and operates the Community Health Plan of Washington (CHPW), one of the first health-center governed health plans in the country.
To help clarify the way forward for small health centers un California and nationally, this paper presents a Model for Advancing High Performance (MAHP). Based on research and expert opinion, it describes the actions and infrastructure CHCs will need to thrive in this new environment and contribute to a sustainable primary care safety net that achieves the quintuple aim — better care, better health, lower costs, happier staff, and reduced health disparities.