This toolkit from Bailit Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s State Health & Value Strategies program details approaches states are taking through their Medicaid managed care (MMC) programs to address health-related social needs. Featuring profiles from 16 states, the toolkit is intended to be used by states to develop managed care procurements or update and operationalize key contract provisions.
The Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs led a multi-stakeholder planning process and engaging people with lived experience to design and launch a Rapid Engagement pilot in Oregon. Rapid Engagement is a system transformation project designed to remove barriers to access outpatient behavioral health services using a trauma-informed and person-centered approach.
The report details existing value-based payment models for behavioral health services and where they are being adopted, and highlights lessons learned and recommendations for state and federal policymakers.
Richard Edley, President and CEO of Pennsylvania’s Behavioral Health State Association RCPA, shares his insights into why value-based purchasing is so important, prior success within Pennsylvania, and concerns for the behavioral heath provider community moving forward.
This Health Affairs blog post describes an emerging strategy of health funders to develop long-term collaborative relationships with their peers to tackle complex health and health care challenges, focusing on a partnership between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Episcopal Health Foundation to advance safety-net payment reform in Texas.
The Choosing Health Equity toolkit offers recommendations and resources for advocates, researchers and other stakeholders to promote health equity. The tool includes stakeholder-specific guides and a resource directory to inform decision-making processes throughout the cycle of health care research, policy development and practice.