This evaluation report summarizes state associations' progress toward advancing policy and practice change during their participation in Phase 2 of the Delta Center. The findings are based on qualitative and quantitative data collected through baseline, midpoint, and final surveys and video interviews with 14 associations from the 7 states in Phase 2.
By July 2024, the Association of Community Mental Health Centers of Kansas will conclude a nearly 5-year effort to transition all its 26 Licensed Community Mental Health Centers into Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers. To learn more about the Kansas Delta Center team’s efforts to bring the CCBHC model to life, we interviewed Michelle Ponce, Associate Director of AMHCK.
Andy Principe of Starling Advisors presented on a 10-year look back at lessons learned from safety-net provider networks. Participants reviewed a brief history of Network activity, takeaways, and priorities for future work.
This resource comes from one of the sessions at the Delta Center September 2022 convening. The presentation covers partnering with managed care plans in 2022, including tips on navigating the process and using managed care to promote health equity.
The Excellence in Mental Health and Addiction Act, one of the most significant developments in behavioral health funding in decades, was designed to increase Americans’ access to community mental health and substance use treatment services via the creation of Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers (CCBHCs) in 8 states, while improving Medicaid reimbursement for these services.
This review is an initial exploration of team development within effective integrated primary and behavioral healthcare teams. Six integrated teams in safety net primary care settings were interviewed on the development of the clinical team.
This learning session explored how primary care and behavioral health providers and/or networks of providers can make the case for a payor (e.g., a Medicaid plan or a Medicaid agency) to support closer collaboration and integration of primary care and behavioral health services and payments (e.g., data sharing infrastructure investments, care management and coordination payments, performance payments, shared savings, etc.).
The Delta Center hosted a virtual site visit for grantees in partnership with Oklahoma Primary Care Association (OKPCA) and Oklahoma Behavioral Health Association (OBHA), The site visit aimed to showcase collaboration across primary care and behavioral health at state and clinical levels, featuring the OKPCA, OBHA, and patients and providers from federally qualified health centers and community behavioral health organizations, including Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics .
The Colorado Health Institute (CHI) studied six practices that are testing an array of approaches to integration of primary care and behavioral health.