This evaluation report summarizes state associations' progress toward advancing policy and practice change during their participation in Phase 2 of the Delta Center. The findings are based on qualitative and quantitative data collected through baseline, midpoint, and final surveys and video interviews with 14 associations from the 7 states in Phase 2.
By July 2024, the Association of Community Mental Health Centers of Kansas will conclude a nearly 5-year effort to transition all its 26 Licensed Community Mental Health Centers into Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers. To learn more about the Kansas Delta Center team’s efforts to bring the CCBHC model to life, we interviewed Michelle Ponce, Associate Director of AMHCK.
In July 2023, the Delta Center conducted an midpoint assessment with the 14 PCAs and BHSAs participating in Delta Center Phase 2. This midpoint evaluation report provides an overview of the key insights gathered through the survey and follow-up interviews.
In this Phase 1 evaluation report, we describe the progress that state associations have made towards advancing VBP/C in the safety net, some of the effects of COVID-19 on Delta Center state association plans and activities, state association staff perspectives on the Delta Center, and recommendations for Phase 2 of the Delta Center.
The Community Health Care Association of New York State and New York State Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare leveraged their existing relationship developed under the Delta Center grant to create a unified voice to influence the state's telehealth policy.
This grantee spotlight highlights the achievements of the New Mexico Primary Care Association (NMPCA) & Behavioral Health Providers Association of New Mexico (NMBHPA) as part of the Delta Center's 2018–2020 State Learning & Action Collaborative.
This brief describes four key lessons that i2i Center for Integrative Health and the North Carolina Community Health Center Association learned about consumer and family engagement through facilitating a collaborative process to develop recommendations for North Carolina Medicaid about how to design and implement the new care management program to equitably meet the needs of patients and families.
This grantee spotlight highlights the achievements of the Texas Council of Community Centers as part of the Delta Center's 2018–2020 State Learning & Action Collaborative.
This grantee spotlight highlights the achievements of the Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs (AOCMHP) and Oregon Primary Care Association (OPCA) as part of the Delta Center's 2018–2020 State Learning & Action Collaborative.