This white paper discusses the work of The Health Equity Compact, a cross-sector coalition of leaders of color dedicated to advancing health and racial equity, and provides insights on how state leaders can join forces to realize bold statewide policy and institutional practice changes.
This brief covers insights from a session on Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) that took place during the September 2022 Delta Center convening. It begins with takeaways for states considering CCBHCs, followed by a primer on the specialized clinics.
Advancing payment and delivery reform in the ambulatory safety net in rural areas presents unique challenges and will require solutions specific to this context, for both primary care and behavioral health.
To provide the best possible care to patients and thrive in new payment environments, community health centers (CHCs) and community behavioral health organizations (CBHOs)— two pillars of the safety net—are redesigning their workflows, infrastructure, and partnerships.
This review is an initial exploration of team development within effective integrated primary and behavioral healthcare teams. Six integrated teams in safety net primary care settings were interviewed on the development of the clinical team.
In this brief, we describe the process by which primary care associations and behavioral health state associations built and strengthened their partnerships during Phase 1 of the Delta Center's State Action and Learning Collaborative, and offer high-level recommendations for other PCAs and BHSAs that seek to develop partnerships to advance policy and practice.
This brief summarizes key challenges faced by the rural ambulatory safety net in delivering primary care and behavioral health services since COVID-19 and the policy changes that have been implemented in response to those challenges. It also offers state-level policy recommendations to improve rural-specific primary care and behavioral health care through sustaining and supporting the movement towards telehealth, addressing social needs, and advancing value-based payment and care.
This brief from JSI and the Delta Center for a Thriving Safety Net illustrates five key insights related to program design and evaluation from the productive partnership between the Partnership HealthPlan of California and local community health centers to create a care coordination (CCM) program.
Drawing from our work with 12 primary care associations through the Delta Center, this brief outlines three key policy steps to help health centers survive in the short term and thrive beyond the COVID-19 crisis.