The report details existing value-based payment models for behavioral health services and where they are being adopted, and highlights lessons learned and recommendations for state and federal policymakers.
Health centers are strongly positioned to achieve the Triple Aim – improved patient experience and population health, with reduced total health system costs per capita – within low-income and underserved populations nationwide.
This article published in The Milbank Quarterly describes the current health center payment system and offers a conceptual multi-layered model for primary care payment reform.
This white paper from the Health Care Payment Learning & Action Network (HCP-LAN) updates its framework for accelerating the transition in the health care system from a fee for service payment model to one that pays providers for quality care, improved health, and lower costs and its application to primary care teams.
This 2018 AcademyHealth issue brief introduces four examples of state and local linkage of payment reform to addressing one or more social determinants of health.
In this brief, we describe the process by which primary care associations and behavioral health state associations built and strengthened their partnerships during Phase 1 of the Delta Center's State Action and Learning Collaborative, and offer high-level recommendations for other PCAs and BHSAs that seek to develop partnerships to advance policy and practice.
Drawing from our work with 12 primary care associations through the Delta Center, this brief outlines three key policy steps to help health centers survive in the short term and thrive beyond the COVID-19 crisis.