This Q & A resource features advice from Deborah Riddick, a speaker at the May 2021 Delta Center convening, in order to build on her presentation about advancing racial equity and incorporating consumer voice.
These materials are from Blank Page and accompanied the Storytelling session at the October 15-16, 2018 Delta Center State Learning & Action Collaborative Convening.
A website developed as a resource for practice facilitators as they work with practices to improve care quality, using the principles set out in the Safety Net Medical Initiative's Framework for Practice Transformation.
Although high performing primary care practices vary in size, resources, staffing, and populations served they exhibit surprising similarity in how they provide high quality, accessible, and patient-centered health care.
While we know a lot about practices that stimulate new ideas, innovation teams often struggle to apply them. Why? Because people’s biases and entrenched behaviors get in the way. In this article a Darden professor explains how design thinking helps people overcome this problem and unleash their creativity.