The Excellence in Mental Health and Addiction Act, one of the most significant developments in behavioral health funding in decades, was designed to increase Americans’ access to community mental health and substance use treatment services via the creation of Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers (CCBHCs) in 8 states, while improving Medicaid reimbursement for these services.
In 2017, health centers in Washington worked with the Washington Association of Community and Migrant Health Centers (WACMHC) and Washington State Medicaid (Health Care Authority or HCA) to launch a capitated FQHC APM that incorporates quality metrics.
This planning guide provides one possible framework to shape the process of organizational transformation needed to prepare for value-based payments (VBPs).
This review is an initial exploration of team development within effective integrated primary and behavioral healthcare teams. Six integrated teams in safety net primary care settings were interviewed on the development of the clinical team.
Health centers are strongly positioned to achieve the Triple Aim – improved patient experience and population health, with reduced total health system costs per capita – within low-income and underserved populations nationwide.