For our most recent Delta Center convening, the Center for Care Innovations compiled favorite methods for designing and conducting trainings and events. These methods are fundamental examples of our own human-centered design practice.
Advancing payment and delivery reform in the ambulatory safety net in rural areas presents unique challenges and will require solutions specific to this context, for both primary care and behavioral health.
This webinar exposed participants to adaptive leadership concepts explored in greater depth at the February 11-12 Delta Center Convening. The webinar focused on three key points: 1) Overview of framework and imperative for adaptive leadership: why organizations must discern what to preserve, what to discard, and where to innovate in order to thrive; 2) Redefining Leadership, differentiating from Authority; 3) Differentiating “technical” from “adaptive” challenges.
This brief summarizes key challenges faced by the rural ambulatory safety net in delivering primary care and behavioral health services since COVID-19 and the policy changes that have been implemented in response to those challenges. It also offers state-level policy recommendations to improve rural-specific primary care and behavioral health care through sustaining and supporting the movement towards telehealth, addressing social needs, and advancing value-based payment and care.