This white paper discusses the work of The Health Equity Compact, a cross-sector coalition of leaders of color dedicated to advancing health and racial equity, and provides insights on how state leaders can join forces to realize bold statewide policy and institutional practice changes.
This slide deck comes from the grantee learning session, titled “Social Health." It provides an overview of social health integration in healthcare settings, including emerging frameworks and the case for screening.
This New Mexico convening takeaway outlines a comprehensive framework for understanding the various domains used in social health integration by organizations addressing Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). The overview of the framework is followed by a list of resources for grantees to learn more about the different Health Care System Activities.
This Q & A resource features advice from Deborah Riddick, a speaker at the May 2021 Delta Center convening, in order to build on her presentation about advancing racial equity and incorporating consumer voice.
This resource provides practical tips for state primary care associations and behavioral health associations seeking to advance racially equitable health policy and practice.
Advancing payment and delivery reform in the ambulatory safety net in rural areas presents unique challenges and will require solutions specific to this context, for both primary care and behavioral health.
Three videos describe North Carolina's consumer engagement process and lessons learned from the participants. Part 1 focuses on the collaborative as a whole; part 2 discusses the process of engaging consumers and leveling the playing field; and part 3 discusses the importance of rethinking how organizations engage with consumers and build trust.
This brief describes four key lessons that i2i Center for Integrative Health and the North Carolina Community Health Center Association learned about consumer and family engagement through facilitating a collaborative process to develop recommendations for North Carolina Medicaid about how to design and implement the new care management program to equitably meet the needs of patients and families.
This brief summarizes key challenges faced by the rural ambulatory safety net in delivering primary care and behavioral health services since COVID-19 and the policy changes that have been implemented in response to those challenges. It also offers state-level policy recommendations to improve rural-specific primary care and behavioral health care through sustaining and supporting the movement towards telehealth, addressing social needs, and advancing value-based payment and care.